Who Is Alan Li Md From Mount Sinai? Miami Doctor For Minor Trafficking

Alan Li, A former resident of Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, has been arrested and charged with attempted sex trafficking of a young girl.

Similarly, Li was charged with attempted sex trafficking of a juvenile under 14 and attempted coercion or enticement of a minor after being sacked from Mount Sinai and arrested on May 12.

Let's know more about what happened through this article.

Who Is Alan Li Md From Mount Sinai?

Alan Li, a doctor-in-training in Miami Beach, is believed to have bought a 12-year-old girl from a human trafficker to keep imprisoned in his home to have sex with and maintain under his control.

According to NBC4 Ohio, Li was identified on Mount Sinai Medical Center's website as a resident or a doctor-in-training.

He was, in fact, conversing with an FBI agent. Alan Li is charged with attempted sex trafficking and attempted coercion of a kid under the age of 14.

Not only that, The 26-year-old is being held at the Federal Detention Center in Miami on Thursday night.

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Miami Doctor Alan Li  For Minor Trafficking

On March 12, federal officials initiated an investigation into the 26-year-old after a lady from Ohio, an escort whom Li met through a dating site, contacted them to report Li's hunt for underage girls in Miami.

Li contacted the woman via Snapchat and explained that he was attempting to assist a buddy named Michael Chen, whom he had put in touch with her after learning about her own experience with human trafficking.

According to the affidavit, when asked about the age range of the females he was seeking, Li answered: "preferably 8-15."

The woman told investigators she thought Li and Chen were the same people, a claim that agents later validated. An undercover investigator took over the woman's Snapchat account to contact the man.

An investigator acting as a trafficker was provided with Li's phone number. He allegedly discussed a "long-term setup" with a 13-year-old girl, similar to the "live-in situation" he claimed to have had previously.

Instead of using CashApp, Li asked if he could pay the $500 cost for sex with a 12-year-old using Bitcoin or cash.

"I have a 9, 12, and 15 depending on the type of service you require," the agent explained. He also talked of a one-time payment of $20,000 for the permanent purchase of a 12-year-old girl.


Was Alan Li arrested?

Yes, According to FBI officials, a former resident of Miami Beach's Mount Sinai Medical Center was arrested for attempted sex trafficking of a young girl.

According to an arrest affidavit, Alan Li, 26, is charged with attempted sex trafficking of a juvenile under the age of 14 and attempted coercion or enticement of a minor.

In addition to that, According to court documents, Alan Li was apprehended in Miami over three weeks ago.
