Nicholas Abbott Obituary, Death Cause – Nick, My close friend and my brother, where can I even begin? You were the most irritating and funny best friend that my brother ever had, and you showed me what it meant to be a true family member and that one does not need to be connected by blood in order to be one. I can’t help but think back on how present you were at every single moment. From our vacation of you shitting in my brother’s pool and shutting it down for the hottest week EVER, to trying to teach me how to drive a stick and you not screaming at me the 10 times I stalled your truck from my house to the school (if you don’t know me it’s like 1 minute from my house)to you laughing hysterically telling me I should have been a blonde, to you always being a part of my life too.
You have always been the first person I have told about any big event in my life, and you have always been a part of those events. You have also always been the first person I have told about any significant event in your life. Who is going to bring the Grey Goose to the party so that we may moan or cheer, depending on our mood? There is no possible outcome that I can conceive of in which you do not send me a text message that says, “Hey toots, just checking in, love ya.”
I simply cannot imagine it. You weren’t just my brother’s best buddy; you were also his best friend. My brother considered you to be his best friend. Additionally, you were a part of my life, and I will grievously miss having you around. I really do hope that we run into one other again in the near future. “Love ya too” Please help his family get through this difficult time, as he was always there to watch out for their needs and make sure they were taken care of. Hi my name is Katie. Please help my best friend and cousin’s family by donating to help them celebrate their loving dad and husband’s life. Nicholas Abbott unexpectedly passed away on Sunday 7/16/23. He was a hard working, big hearted, protective, full of life man. He fiercely loved his family and friends more than anything and all the help we can give to a family who deserves so much would be very helpful.
He has left behind so many amazing and cherished memories and instead of a funeral she wants to celebrate the amazing life he had. Any donations are welcomed. Nick is survived by his wife Laurie and two children, Natalie and Landon. Click HERE to donate and share