I Am Number Four opened in wide release last Friday. On Sunday, Us Weekly announced that the two stars of the film, British actor Alex Pettyfer and Glee starlet Dianna Agron, had split up days before. Then, the next day, some bizarre story came out about Dianna breaking up with Alex because she thought a photo shoot he did with Tyler Shields was too racy… even though the photo shoot was done before Alex and Dianna even got together. I don’t know… I didn’t write about it because I thought it was a weird, nonsensical story, and that Dianna and Alex probably broke up for other reasons. Now Us Weekly has a story about those other reasons – apparently, Alex is kind of psycho.
Glee’s Dianna Agron didn’t exactly sing a wistful ballad following her split from actor Alex Pettyfer after nearly a year together.
Since moving out of the L.A. home she and the I Am Number Four star shared about two weeks ago, Agron, 24, “is staying at a hotel under an alias” a source reveals in the new Us Weekly, out Wednesday.
Why the secrecy? Pettyfer, 20, has been “a psycho loose cannon” in the aftermath of the split, another insider says.
On Feb. 18, according to an eyewitness, he got into a heated confrontation at a West Hollywood club with actor Sebastian Stan — furiously accusing the Black Swan star of hooking up with Agron.
“Dianna is terrified of [Alex],” a pal explains, adding that he “absolutely lost it” and threatened Agron during a vicious phone chat. (Pettyfer’s rep tells Us he made no threats.)
[From Us Weekly]
Hmm… from what little I know of Alex, he seems like an unprofessional, narcissistic douche, and while I take even random, tabloid-y accounts of abuse and mental illness seriously, I do wonder if Us Weekly is being a little unfair to Alex. If what Us Weekly claims is true, then really what did he do? He yelled at his ex-girlfriend over the phone, and then he had a “heated confrontation” with the dude Alex thought was his ex’s jumpoff. I’m not excusing him – he does sound like he has some anger management issues, and he would benefit greatly by attempting some maturity. I’m just saying it’s not Mel Gibson territory quite yet, is it? And the kid is young – he’s 20 years old.
But if Dianna is truly worried, then it sounds like she’s taking the proper steps. Maybe a restraining order? Maybe change up her routine, and always go places with a buddy for a little while. I would be interested in knowing how often Alex is calling her or trying to speak to her.
Photos courtesy of Fame.